This image shows Hans-Christian  Reuss

Hans-Christian Reuss

Prof. Dr.-Ing.

Holder of the Chair of Automotive Mechatronics
Institute of Automotive Engineering
automotive mechatronics


Pfaffenwaldring 12
70569 Stuttgart


The research of Prof. Hans-Christian Reuss focuses on automotive mechatronics. This includes vehicle electrical system and energy management, the networking and architecture of electronic systems, software and diagnostic tools, electromobility and automated and networked driving.
The aim of this research is to develop sustainable vehicle and mobility concepts. For example, with the help of the "ELITE" electric filling station (energy-efficient, performance-optimised and intelligent filling station for electric vehicles), the requirements and concepts of a functioning and standardised charging infrastructure for electric vehicles can be researched. Prof. Reuss and his team are also dedicated to the use of electromobility in buses and taxis and the mitigation of potential hazards to pedestrians from low-noise electric vehicles in the ZuSE project (Reliability and Safety of Electric Vehicles).

Prof. Hans - Christian Reuss was born in Düsseldorf. He studied electrical engineering at the Technical University of Berlin and received his doctorate at the Institute of Electronics. From 1989 to 1992 he was responsible for serial bus systems and microcontrollers for automotive applications at Philips Semiconductors Hamburg. In 1993 he was appointed Professor of Automotive Electronics and Electrics at the Technical University of Dresden. Since April 2004 he has headed the Chair of Automotive Mechatronics at the University of Stuttgart and is a member of the Executive Board of the Research Institute for Automotive Engineering and Vehicle Engines Stuttgart (FKFS).

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