Zeigt einen Kraftfahrzeugmechatronik Laborversuch

Major Laboratories in "Automotive Mechatronics" and "Automated and Connected Driving"

Institute of Automotive Engineering Stuttgart (IFS)

Practical Exercises in "Automotive Mechatronics" and "Automated and Connected Driving"

Major Labs

  • "Praktische Laborübungen Kraftfahrzeugmechatronik" C@MPUS-No. 420520200
  • "Praktische Laborübungen Automatisiertes und Vernetztes Fahren" C@MPUS-No. 420520300

Four credits are to be acquired from the range of specialisation subject tests.

  • Practical exercises "Elektromobilität" [C@MPUS-No. 420522700]
  • Practical exercises "Energiemanagement" [C@MPUS-No. 420522800]
  • Practical exercises "Harwarenahe Softwareentwicklung" [C@MPUS-No. 420522900]
    -> two credits
  • Practical exercises "Hardware-in-the-Loop: Motorsteuergerät" [C@MPUS-No. 420523100]
    -> two credits


  • Please register online via C@MPUS to the individual labs
  • Registration period: each experiment has different registration times. Please see C@MPUS 

Our courses are divided into four sections

20 Min Entry-Level Test (your basic understanding of the subject you have chosen is tested in written form)

only for "Energiemanagment" and "Hardware-in-the-Loop: Motorsteuergerät"). The preliminary questions are a preparation for your self-dependent performance of the practical exercises.

  • Elektromobilität / Hardwarenahe Softwareentwicklung
    You will solve given tasks using PC, pen an paper
  • Energiemanagement / Hardware-in-the-Loop: Motorsteuergerät
    You will work self-dependently in very small groups, performing measurements on a nearly originally-built tests set-up. You will verify your results together with a student assistant.

Only after you have successfully completed all required practical exercises, drop off your complete and readably filled out certfication sheet in an envelope addressed to Mr. Christian Lange at the reception of the IFS. 14  days later you can get informations about the tested sheet at the chair office.

GIME (APMB-Versuche)

only selectable if not already counted as SF attempt

  • Exhaust-Gas Measurement (C@MPUS Nr. 420607900)
  • Charactkerization of energy storage devices (C@MPUS No. 420607500)
  • Data Science Approaches (C@MPUS Nr. 420607700)
  • Output Measurement (C@MPUS Nr. 420607600)
  • Acoustic Power Measurement  (C@MPUS Nr. 420608000)
  • Workshop Powertrain Topologies (C@MPUS Nr. 420607800)

only selectable if not already counted as SF attempt

  • Outside Noise Measurement (C@MPUS-No. 420607000)
  • Vehicle-Test Bench [offered only during the summer semester] (C@MPUS-No. 420607100)
  • Model Wind Tunnel (C@MPUS-No. 420607200)
  • Road Simulation (C@MPUS-No. 420607300)

An overview of all GIME trials can be found in the "APMB list" of the GKM:

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Praktika Kraftfahrzeugmechatronik

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