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FAQs Studying at IFS

Institute of Automotive Engineering Stuttgart (IFS)

FAQs on the subject of thesis, assignment & co.


Registration form Research/Study Project

You can obtain the registration form for the master´s thesis from the examination office or (if requirements are met) from the C@MPUS portal under "my applications". 

Please submit the pre-filled registration form as pdf-file to Mr. Seiwert. Please be sure to indicate the name of your IFS supervisor and the start date.

Date: 2022-04-01

Thesis Transfer
In case of a thesis transfer, please attach the following form to the registration form and submit both digitally to Mr. Seiwert. After the signature of the assigning professor, please approve by the examination board  and then submit all document to the Examination Office.

Additionally, Automotive Engineering students have to formulate a transfer application (template) to the transferring professor of the specialization subject.

Further information can also be found on the following page:

Date: 2022-04-01

Bachelor Thesis / Master Thesis / Research Work (Electromobility)
Please complete the Application for Extension of Time of the Examination Office.
Complete the Attachment of Application for Extension of Time and confirm it from your IFS-Supervisor. 
Please submit both attachments to Mr. Seiwert and then to the Examination Committee and Examination Office.

Research Thesis
Please complete the Application for Extension of Time and confirm it from your IFS-Supervisor.
Please submit the attachment to Mr. Seiwert.

You will find further informations on the following page:

Date: 2022-04-01

Please submit the completed and signed overview plan as pdf-file to Mr. Seiwert

Note: Only complete modules are shown in the overview plan. If a module consists of several courses ("special topics of ...") please enter only the module name and the teacher of your course.
You only register the contents of the modules with the respective institute.

Date: 2022-04-01

Changes in the overview plan are possible as follows:

- Module changes in your major must be approved by the respective professor

- If your module to be replaced has not been passed or failed, it can be replaced.

Please submit your old and new overview plan including a current and complete transcript of records digitally to Mr. Seiwert. Please submit the approved change to the Examination Office for updating.

Date: 2022-04-01

• The Bachelor thesis requires the attendance of 9 seminar lectures (the ninth lecture may be your own)
• The student research / research project (Electromobility) requires the attendance of 9 seminar lectures (the ninth lecture may be your own)
• The master thesis does not require participation on other seminar lectures

The participation on the seminar lectures (defense of the thesis) serves the purpose of getting to know the procedure, to be able to improve the preparation for the own presentation and to give useful feedback to the speaker. The seminar lectures offered by the IFS can be found within our scientific works.

Course of Events:
• Please log in with your first and last name to the currently offered online seminar lectures
• Please enter the day, time, title of the previous day and name of the speaker into the stamp sheet
• Once you have completed all nine required lectures (the ninth is your own), please send the completed stamp sheet to the chair office

Date: 2022-04-01

Please submit the completed overview form in decent quality to the Lehrstuhlzimmer. If all internships are listed correctly and completely, we will register the module as passed in the C@MPUS portal.. 

If you are missing certificates for the automotive mechatronics internship, you will find information on the award of certificates on our homepage:

Date: 2023-07-20

If the student is taken ill bevor or during an examination, it is his/her duty to inform the examiner without delay. Within three days he or she must submit a certificate (withdrawal-form) at the examination office. Withdrawal after the examination is not possible.

Date: 2022-04-01

There are two case examples for this question:

  1. In the case of voluntary deregistration - i.e. without loss of examination entitlement (EN=final failure to pass), you are still required to write a re-examination. Otherwise and in spite of your deregistration, you will have failed the examination formally (ex officio), with may lead to loss of examination entitlement.
  2. The student is not allowed to write a re-examination after the examination office has declared loss of examination entitlement, and neither may he receive a "failed" mark due to nonappearance.

Date: 2022-04-01

Yes - these as well as students research may be written at a university abroad. Please make sure in advance that you have chosen a topic that can be supervised at IFS (information regarding the topics is given on the IFS site under "Research").

Date: 2022-04-01

Yes, if the subject fits the research area of the respective professor. You can find the procedure here.

External bachelor's theses and student research projects, are not permitted.

Date: 2022-04-01

If all other course achievements have already been completed and the submission of the thesis ist within the maximum duration of study, you no longer need to be enrolled to submit the thesis.

However, if the submission is outside the maximum period of study, you will need an extension of the duration of study (https://www.student.uni-stuttgart.de/pruefungsorganisation/formulare/).

notice: After deregistration, further use of university resources (library, semester ticket) is no longer possible.

Date: 2024-06-26

Frequently asked questions about the study of the GKM (only german)
FAQs der Joint Commission Mechanical Engineering (GKM)

Automotive Engineering specific informations 
FAQs for Automotive Engineering bachelor`s students
FAQs for Automotive Engineering master`s students

Please also refer the notes of the Examination Office.

Date: 2023-02-23


This image shows Andrea Litterst

Andrea Litterst


Student Affairs

This image shows Bernhard Bäuerle

Bernhard Bäuerle


Course Degree Management and Student Counselling Automotive Engineering

This image shows Kurt Seiwert

Kurt Seiwert


Course Degree Management Automotive Engineering

[Photo: Kurt Seiwert]

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